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  • Writer's pictureMakenna Wray

The Growing Pains of a Growing Non-Profit

Restore Global was created in 2007 as way for nonprofits all over the world to become more efficient in their mission. Over the years, the concept grew but the expansion slowed. The need for a warehouse space became pressing, and Steven Wray, Founder and President of Restore Global, knew it was time to expand into a space that was better suited to accommodate his flourishing project.

In 2014, Restore Global's team of one began serving SIM's global logistics team. While serving, SIM graciously provided incubation space for the emerging global nonprofit. Two years later, the team doubled when Steven added Bruce Bodman to provide leadership for Access to Excess and more support for SIM. In their remaining time at the SIM location, Restore Global began working out the logistics of storage, redeployment, and connection with around the world operations. By 2018, Restore Global outgrew the available storage space, and with the addition of two new team members, we were off to find bigger and better spaces.

The team connected with our now corporate sponsor White Knight in June of 2018, and they generously donated an office and warehouse space lasting six months. In our time there, we were able to add another team member and launch Access to Global Outreach as well as take on more consistent redeployments and connections. Because of the increase in warehouse space, our storage capacity increased ten-fold, and we were able to make more significant impact like swapping truckloads with our friends at Samaritans Purse. Our expansion into the smaller, Charlotte area nonprofits grew as well because of the accessibility of our new office space, sufficient storage for donated goods, and a team large enough to spread the word about our mission and what was available for redeployment. However, even with all of these improvements to our quality and quantity of work, we had no idea of the upcoming project that would ultimately change the pace at which Restore Global operated.

When Hurricane Florence hit the Carolinas, Restore Global sprung into action. We became the only deployment warehouse for pet food and supplies during the Hurricane (see Hurricane Florence blog post for more details). Not only were we able to store a warehouse full of supplies, but we were also able to account for every single item that left the warehouse. From there, Restore Global became the fast paced nonprofit that it is today, and the rate of redeployment went from weekly to multiple times daily.

The beginning of 2019 was monumental for our team because we moved across the building into our own, leased office space; we added two new team members to help manage the constant influx of donated goods from our Access to Excess program; and we began operating as a true, high functioning nonprofit. Although the old Herff Jones office colors didn't emulate our nonprofit atmosphere, we were thrilled to be self-sufficient enough to call this new office space our own.

By March of 2019, we decided that it was time to make a change from the elementary colors of the current office, and we had our close friend Emily Batson come in to redesign the office. After a week of painting, redecorating, and building, our office turned into Restore Global Headquarters. Now, when partners or potential partners come into the office, we can talk in an environment that emulates Restore Global's vision.

Although painting and redecorating an office may not seem like a game-changing action, for Restore Global, it means establishment and permanence. We're here to stay and ready to take on the world.

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